I love dogs, even though they are a lot of work with exercising, brushing, feeding, etc. I still love them. Please don’t get me wrong I also like cats, birds and goldfish as well but dogs have always been my favourite animal. We have had pets of all shapes and sizes but there is something about a dog and how he/she wags their tail when you come home that is very special. No matter what kind of a day you have had no matter how many people have chewed you out your dog is always glad to see you home.
I have adopted dogs from shelters and I have purchased dogs from breeders. My last dog was from a breeder and she was a registered German shepherd. I named her Mona because when I first picked her up she moaned and so Mona seemed appropriate. She was only with us for a week when I had to take her for an emergency visit to our vet. She stayed overnight for tests and the next day the vet phoned with the news; “John, I’m afraid to tell you that your dog has,” and he gave me a name that I hadn’t heard before. Translated into English, Mona had Mega Esophagus. The muscles in her esophagus were not working properly and so her food instead of being forced into the stomach would pocket in the esophagus and later she would deposit it on the kitchen floor! I spent almost the next two years every morning on my hands and knees cleaning the kitchen floor. I tried her on liquids for a time but it wasn’t until I had a special chair constructed for her that the up-chucks became less frequent and she began putting on weight. I would feed Mona and then immediately place her in her special chair in a sitting position for half an hour. My Vet was amazed that she was doing so well.
Last July when I knew that we were moving to Bermuda I applied for a special import permit so that I could take her with us. I booked her flight with Air Canada. I was flying economy and Mona was flying cargo just below me! The Monday of the week we were due to leave Mona was not well and I took her to our vet. I left her for tests and observations hoping that I could pick her up the next day and both of us would be ready for our flight on Thursday. I called the next morning only to be told; “I’m sorry but Mona died during the night.” She died at the age of three of a perforated esophagus. The vet told me that she had three good years of life. We arrived in Bermuda minus our Mona!
I share this story with you and follow it with a question; “Do you suppose our pets go to heaven?” My wife and I have talked about this before and I have always maintained my belief that our pets will go to heaven. Why not? The Bible talks a lot about animals and declares that in the “new life” that the lion shall indeed lie down with the lamb. The Bible also talks about horses in heaven. There is no place in the Bible where it states that animals do not go to a better place. I hope that besides being greeted in heaven by my loved ones who have gone on before me that in the crowds I will see a beautiful German Shepherd with her tale waging and who comes when I say; “Mona.” I also hope to get another dog!
What a wonderful story and what a great blog!