Do you remember when?
- the only hazard presented by insecticides was running into flypaper?
- a marriage outlasted all three wedding present toasters?
- a drug problem was trying to get a prescription filled on a Sunday?
- bicycles and chickens came fully assembled?
- paperbacks had more passion on the cover than in the contents?
- a whole family could go to the movies for what it now costs for a bag of popcorn?
Someone gave me a beautiful wall hanging which reads:

Change is all about us, and sometimes it can be frightening. Some people find change challenging; even exciting! Some find change puzzling as they wonder how they will adjust. Times change and people change with the times. Very few things remain as they once were. How many of us have returned to the places of our childhood and marveled at all the changes that have taken place? A lot of changes that have taken place over the years have been for our benefit. Think for a moment of all the changes that have taken place in the field of medicine, transportation and housing! How many of us would want to live as our ancestors did a hundred years ago?
There is a movement within society, and even within some church circles, that proclaims that God has changed. He no longer has rules - only suggestions. He is no longer a jealous God when it comes to worship - just believe in something nice. That Jesus went to the synagogue to worship as his custom was on the Sabbath is no longer an example for others to follow. Salvation is given to everyone, so forget any mention in the Bible of false prophets. Sin is a word that is intolerant of other lifestyles, so let’s drop it from our religious vocabulary. Hey, we could go on but I think you get the point!
Allow me to share with you Hebrews 13:8.
“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.”
Look at 1 Peter 1:23,
“All flesh is like grass and all its glory like the flower of grass. The grass withers, and the flower falls, but the word of the Lord endures forever.”
God has not changed but for some people their perception of Him has changed. Rather than find it frustrating that there are still rules and expectations to live by, should we not celebrate that in the Lord there is stability?
Children of God, let us celebrate that the Lord of creation, the God of the prophets, the Saviour who died and rose again and the light of the early church is the very same God we worship today. God has not changed when it comes to the expectations He has for his children and neither has his love for his children changed.
Your Pastor & Friend,
John Fraser
Your Pastor & Friend,
John Fraser
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