We would all love to have our churches full of young people and we wonder what it is going to take to get them there. Co
ngregations will try a multiplicity of things to get youth into the church. Some churches will hire a youth director. Some will install the latest of audio tech equipment in their church hoping that it will appeal to the youth. What about a Praise Band with drums, guitars, horns, singers and the most up-to-date praise songs? What about involving young people in the life and work of the church (greeters, equipment techs, readers and Board Members)? Completely revolutionize the format of the worship service or at least have a contemporary service along with your traditional service. I am certain that you can think of a number of other options to try and you probably have, and you probably have met with limited success. I really don’t have anything against some of the above mentioned suggestions, but I don’t believe that they are the answer to the problem; “Where are the Youth?”
I believe there are two very important areas that we must look into when tackling the problem of dwindling youth. The first is that we must ask ourselves the question, “Why do we want youn
g people in the church?” Sounds strange? You have never asked this question, correct? Churches should start asking the question, and they should ask it honestly. We don’t bring about true growth - God does. The Bible tells us that, “GOD added to the church daily.” God is not going to add numbers if the congregation’s only reason for desiring young people is to fill the spots vacated by seniors! Haven’t we all said; “if we don’t get youth into the church then this church is going to die in a few short years.” Well, maybe the church deserves to die if their only reason for wanting young people is to enable seniors to retire!! We must have a real spiritual concern for our youth that they might come to know God as the Lord and Savior of their life. When a young person knows Christ as their Lord and Savior you will not be able to keep them out of the church! Congregations must become more involved in the field of evangelism of youth.
The second important area when it comes to adding youth to the congregational roll is to target parents! You cannot get young people into the church if their parents don’t take them. You cannot get young people into the church unless they see that the church is also important to mom and dad. You cannot get young people into the church unless from day one (age of baptism) mom and dad said, “You are coming with us.”
Where are the youth? The youth are all around us waiting for someone to plant the seed of faith that will lead to conversion. Where are the youth? The youth are at home and they need more than a taxi to take them to church.
I believe there are two very important areas that we must look into when tackling the problem of dwindling youth. The first is that we must ask ourselves the question, “Why do we want youn
The second important area when it comes to adding youth to the congregational roll is to target parents! You cannot get young people into the church if their parents don’t take them. You cannot get young people into the church unless they see that the church is also important to mom and dad. You cannot get young people into the church unless from day one (age of baptism) mom and dad said, “You are coming with us.”
Youth need mom and dad to say; “I’m going and so are you.”
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