Did you know that Job in the Old Testament could have used what we use everyday? Job needed mouthwash or at least some breath mints! How do I know this? Job’s wife is mentioned only twice in the book that bears his name. First, she urges her husband to “curse God and die.” Secondly, she complains about his “repulsive breath”. Check out Job 19:17 and thank God the next time you reach for your Listerine.
What is probably the most ridiculous piece of legal advice ever is found in Matthew 28:13. Don’t
worry it doesn’t come from the disciples - and certainly not from the mouth of our Lord - but rather from the mouth of the Chief Priests. The body of Jesus had disappeared from the tomb. What were the soldiers supposed to do now? The advice given to them was; “You must say, His disciples came by night and stole him away while you were asleep.” Now I ask you, “How would they know who stole the body if they were asleep?”

Did you know that there was a knock knock joke in the Bible? Read the story of Peter’s escape from prison in Acts 18. There was a prayer meeting being held at the home of Mary. No doubt they were praying about many things not the least for Peter’s release from prison. In the midst of their prayers they heard a knocking at the gate. Who would be disturbing their prayer time? A servant girl by the name of Rhoda was sent to the gate. Who was standing at the gate but Peter (God had miraculously delivered him from prison 12:6-11). Poor Rhoda was so excited that she left Peter standing at the gate and rushed in to tell the others. The group of earnest prayer seekers found it difficult to believe that God had answered their prayers and claimed that Rhoda had seen a ghost. Meanwhile poor Peter kept on knocking!
Jill (my wife) and I had a good chuckle over this one. We had just read as our evening devotions the story of Paul writing to his good friend Philemon. Apparently, Paul’s friend had a slave who had run away (a very very serious crime). The slave’s name was Onesimus. The path of Onesimus and Pau
l crossed and they had become not only good friends but Onesimus had also become a Christian. The apostle urged his young friend to return to his owner. Paul then wrote Philemon and interceded on behalf of Onesimus. Philemon could have his slave thrown into jail or even worse put to death. But, by the grace of God Philemon was also a believer and Paul urged him to take his slave back and treat him not as a runaway slave but as a brother in Christ. Paul tells Philemon how helpful Onesimus has been and that he is a changed man and then (here’s the chuckle line) so as to press his point home Paul says to Philemon in v: 19 “I’m not going to remind you that you owe me your very life. One thing more, prepare a guest room for me.” How could poor old Philemon say no?

Were these guys serious? The disciples of Jesus had gone into a Samaritan town to pick up some food supplies. Now Samaritans and Jews didn’t always get along with each other. The Samaritans refused to sell any supplies to the disciples. To say that the disciples were “ticked off” is an understatement. Two of the most outspoken of the disciples (James and John) went to Jesus with their solution; “Lord, do you want us to call fire down from heaven to destroy them (Luke 9:54).” Remember this one the next time a sales clerk gives you a hard time.
Did Jesus ever laugh? Although the Bible does not specifically state that Jesus laughed I am certain that He did. How can I be so certain? Take children on your knee or in your arms as He did in Mark 10:13-16 and look at them with a straight face. Jesus laughed!

The Bible is a very serious book, the Bible is a Holy Book but the Bible also is a book that describes people who can and who do laugh.
(drawings by Jean Keaton)
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