Creatures Great & Small
the Book of Genesis chapter 1: 20 we read; “And God said, “Let
the waters bring forth swarms of living creatures, and let birds fly
above the earth across the dome of the sky.” Later in verses 24-25
we read; “And God said, Let the earth bring forth living creatures
of every kind, cattle and creeping things and wild animals of the
earth of ever kind. And it was so. God made the wild animals of the
earth of every kind, and the cattle of every kind, and everything
that creeps upon the ground of every kind. And God saw that it was
good.” I enjoy the wild animals that God has created and I have
said more than once that if I hadn't studied for the ministry I would
love to have studied to become a veterinarian. Just imagine, working
with one of God's creatures Great or Small which was sick but could
not really tell you where it hurts? They say it can be more difficult
to become a veterinarian than a doctor of humans. Well, I went into
ministry not animal sciences and God's creatures are probably the
better off for it! However, I love having one of God's creatures for
a pet. When I was young I had a black crow and I made a perch for him
and set it amongst the lilac bushes in our yard. Then there was
“skipper” a pigeon which I raised from a young bird. Skipper had
his freedom and a special nesting box in our barn. While working in
the garden you often felt a swoosh as Skipper landed on your shoulder
just to say hie. My mom use to get after Skipper when he would pay
her a visit in the kitchen. He would come to say hie, land on the
counter walk over to the bread box and help himself to a slice of
bread! When we left Oxford Skipper of course was left behind and to
the best of my knowledge managed quite nicely.
Some people refer to them as “Vermin” but I always had a liking
for pigeons. Two months ago while leaving church one Sunday morning
Jill and one of her friends came across an injured pigeon on the
church lawn. He wasn't able to fly nor was he able to defend himself.
Well, guess what? The bird that God created to fly in the sky ended
up in a carboard box in our kitchen. Jill named him “Buddy.”
Although he couldn't fly “Buddy” could eat and he especially
enjoyed crumbs of bread dampened with a little milk and sprinkled
with just a few grains of sugar! I went to work and did some research
on my computer. I was pretty certain that I discovered Buddy's
problem. He had all the symptoms; drooping wing, a paralyzed leg and
a loss of balance. The article said it could be treated with a drug
called Baytril. Well you guessed it, Buddy and I made a trip to the
Vet! They told me it was the first pigeon they ever treated but Buddy
received all the care they could give him even down to a bath! I was
sent home with a two week supply of baytril one doseage each day.
Buddy had his ups and downs. There was one point when I discovered
him on his back in his pen both feet in the air. I thought he was
dead and carefully picked him up only to discover that Buddy was very
much alive. Back to his box in the house he went and back to another
week of Baytril!
Buddy's health eventually improved to the point where he was able to
fly. He disappeared for a whole day only to return the following day
for some bread, milk & just a smidge of sugar! Three days ago he
left again and has not returned. I like to think that he has rejoined
his friends and he is doing what God created him to do and that is
“flying above the earth across the dome of the sky.” (Genesis
1:20). Always
remember to show a little compassion for God's creatures both Great
and Small.
Pastor & Friend
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