Vacation Time
Do you remember your parents saying to you when you were small; “You’re tired, I think you should go to bed.” Oh, we didn’t like to hear that because going to bed meant going to sleep and if we went to sleep we might miss something.” Well, maybe we are a bit too old to remember the things our parents said to us but I’m certain we remember saying it more than once to our children. An explanation for bad behavior was being over-tired. So what does this have to do with the title of my blog, Vacation Time? Well, vacation time is time mean to rest from our daily work alcoholic routine. They use to say that a man could give you a long list of reasons why he had to work 24 hours a day. With the number of women in the working force increasing everyday I am certain that they could give you a long list of reasons for remaining late at the office as well. Hey, no matter how young or how old we are we all need a break because we all get tired and like children when we get tired we get cranky. If we don’t slow down and get some R&R (Rest and Relaxation) God has a way of slowing us down. You see, God made a human being not a machine and our bodies will crumble from too much work and too much stress. We call the crumbling burnout, breakdown, stress attack and worse still, heart attack. Suffering in this way is a difficult way to learn a lesson that we need to slow down so why don’t we simply take the advice that we find in Jesus’ word to the disciples in Mark 6:31. He said to them, “Come away to a quiet place and rest awhile.” For many were coming and going, and they had no leisure even to eat.
You can take a vacation anytime of the year and that’s fine but the important thing is to take one. Many will take a break in the summer time because the children are out of school. Our children “flew the nest” some time ago but Jill and I still like to take a vacation. Bermuda is a great place to spend your holidays but we live and work here SO in just a couple of weeks we are travelling to Florida . Although vacations can be taken anywhere I really think it is important to get away to someplace different. Remember, Jesus didn’t say to the disciples, “I think you are tired so have a nap.” No, Jesus said, “Come away.” I hope that all of you reading this blog are able to get away for a few days and that you will enjoy a time of sightseeing, swimming, playing golf etc. etc. Vacations are great times to rest and to enjoy doing things together with those whom you love. Vacations are a time to come together before breaking apart!
When you are enjoying your vacation please remember one thing and that is that Jesus went with his disciples He didn’t stay behind. Take Jesus with you don’t leave Him at home. Remember, it is a break from our work from daily routine not from the Lord and his church. Don’t be like the little girl who overheard her parents speak of vacation plans and who said in her prayers that night; “God, we are going on vacation see You when we get back.” ENJOY YOUR HOLIDAYS BECAUSE YOU DESERVE THEM.
Rev. John
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