Have you ever experienced the disappointment of missing a plane, a boat, a bus or maybe a train?
They went on without you and left you on the dock, in the lounge or at the station!
What about trying to check into a hotel after a busy day on the road? You walk up to the front desk only to be told, “I’m sorry but you are just a few minutes late our last room has been booked.” You return to the blackness of the night and try again but always the same story; “I’m sorry we are completely filled.”
We don’t know how many inns Mary and Joseph went to before being told; “No room in the inn but you can sleep in the barn if you like.”
It’s disappointing when there is no room.
-No room at the inn
-No seat on the plane.
-No table at the restaurant.
-No tickets to your favorite concert.
– It’s frustrating.
- It’s depressing
-It’s not fair!
I wonder how Mary & Joseph felt as they settled in with the barn animals.
Though He was born in a stable He would make it possible for us to live in mansions, dine at banquet tables and rejoice with the angels.
Jesus said, “In my Father’s house are many mansions, if it were not so I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you and if I go away I will come again and receive you unto myself that where I am there you may be also.”
We have our room for eternity and banquet tables have been prepared for us. Listen to the invitation; “Jesus said, someone gave a great dinner and invited many. Go out into the roads and lanes, and compel people to come in, so that my house may be filled.”
The One who at his birth was told, “Sorry, but we have no room for you is the One who has made it possible for you and I to live in mansions and dine at banquet tables.
Have you accepted your invitation?
Or, are you
–too busy.
-not interested
-some other time
-or do you want to check out something else before making a commitment?
Some day God will say my mansion and my table is full and the sign will go up, “No room in the mansion and no room at my table.”
Grace keeps the door open for the moment but it may only be for the moment. Check in before the sign goes up.
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