This past June marked 34 years that I have been in ministry. This August marks our first full year here in Bermuda. Where have the years gone? Reflecting on this I have asked myself a number of questions? Have I spent my time wisely? Am I at present where God wants me to be? If I could change anything what would it be? What has been the most stressful part of my ministry? What are my plans for the time ahead? Allow me to share with you (briefly) my answers.
Have I spent my time wisely?
The answer is probably no (not all the time)! I would love to have spent more time in disciplined studies. We are never too old to learn.
Am I at present where God wants me to be?
Because I believe in “the Call” to ministry I have absolutely no doubt about my vocation in life. God called me to be a minister; to preach, to heal (relationships) and to baptize. At this time in my ministry God opened the doors for my call to Bermuda and I have answered the Call.
If I could change anything what would it be?
It’s a selfish desire but I would like to have been one who in his ministry harvests more than he plants and waters. Why? Harvesting is what most of your parishioners expect of you. A congregation likes to see a full church, an active youth ministry and a balanced budget.
What has been the most stressful part of my ministry?
Two things! Not being able to do all that I would have liked and secondly not always being able to please people. It looks like God has called me to be a planter rather than a harvester!
What are my plans for the time ahead?
I will continue to plant wherever God calls me. Someday I would like to take further studies providing there is enough time!
Your Pastor & Friend
John Fraser
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