Retirement Planning
There are so many things to plan for when retiring that it makes
one's head spin. Jill and I have already started gathering packing
boxes and separating what stays, what goes and what comes with us! As
I am writing this little blog I look across my office an at old
“wardrobe box that we used to transport our belongings when we
first moved here. Already the box is half filled. However, it is
filled with throw away items that are not coming with us! We have
already looked into the best means of transporting our belongings
from Bermuda to Florida. It looks like there are two possibilities
both of which include air cargo. One possibility is to go through
Miami and up to Orlando. The other possibility is to go through New
Jersey and down to Leesburg. Cost will play a determining factor as
to which one we will choose.
However, the big item of concern with regard to our move to the US is
health insurance. I am certain that we have all heard horror stories
of how expensive health-care can be in the States. While Jill and I
are in good health it is an absolute necessity to have some form of
health insurance. I have looked at several possibilities and the cost
varies. The one that I am giving very serious consideration to is the
one that I would like to tell you about.
Christian Healthcare Ministries has been in existence now for 30
years plus. U.S. Health insurance under the Obama administration
allows for CHM having factored it in as a “grandfather clause.”
CHM is a Christian ministry and is open to people no matter where
they live and no matter what their age. There are three levels of
coverage; Gold, Silver and Bronze. The cost per month goes from $45,
$85 to $150 per person. For an additional package called “Brother's
Keeper” your coverage can be increased. Jill and I estimate that
the Gold Package for both of us along with “Brother's
Keeper” will cost us approximately $325 a month. Who is allowed to
join and what are the restrictions?
be CHM members, participating adults must be Christians living by
biblical principles, including abstaining from the use of tobacco and
the illegal use of drugs (1 Corinthians 6:19-20), following biblical
teaching on the use of alcohol, and attending group worship regularly
if health permits (Hebrews 10:25). There are no restrictions
based on age, weight, geographic location or health history.
is something that those who are planning a possible move to the US or
those in the US who are looking for a more affordable program should
check out. Their address on the web is:
Your Pastor & Friend,
John Fraser