Where would we be without the gift of patience? Have you ever prayed,
“Lord give me the patience of Job?” When we think of Job from the
Bible we recall a man who was tested in many ways. Satan believed
that Job would forsake God if he were stripped of his health and
wealth. God believed that Job would remain faithful to Him even if he
were to loose everything. Job was put to the test and often in this
life you will find that we are put to the test as well. Job embarked
on a loosing streak in his life. He lost his wealth in the form of
cattle. He went from being the Bill Gates of his day as far as wealth
was concerned to being one who was on the verge of applying for
social assistance. Then, he lost his family who were wiped out in a
violent storm. If that weren't enough to discourage him Job's health
began to suffer as well. His body was clothed in sores and the only
comfort in all of his distress came from friends. It's nice to have
friends but Job's friends weren't really of any help. Then there was
Job's wife surely she would be able to lift him out of his pain. What
was her advice? “Job, why don't you just curse God and die?”
Small comfort she was! Job refused to blame God for any of his
problems. He told his friends and any who were close enough to listen
that God will always be in control of life and that God had the right
to alter life as God saw fit. Job believed that man never had the
right to debate God's wisdom. Through life's conflicts Job remained
faithful to God and we are told in Job 42:12 that; “Now the Lord
blessed the latter days of Job more than his beginning.”
are all tested in life's journey. Sometimes our tests are minor and
at other times they are major. We are even tested at times by those
who are closest to us. In my 39 years in ministry I have been tested
many times. I have complained; “this is not fair God I'm one of
your servants why should this happen to me?” It makes no difference
who we are (Job was a man precious in God's sight) our faith will be
tested. SO, when you pray; “God give me more patience, always
remember that the only way for you to know if God has given you more
patience is to present you with another test! Remember Job who was
tested, who remained faithful and who was blessed for his
faithfulness. Through all your trials look up and not down and then
move forward not backward.
Your pastor & friend,
John Fraser